Drug Prevention

Drug prevention in large companies, Master’s thesis

An enterprise design case study suggesting the use of Eyescanner drug test and health promotion to achieve safer workplace environments.

We were two students working on this project, full time for six months. Here you’ll find a glimse of our result, which was a true team effort. Our aim throughout the project was to investigate and suggest how the Eyescanner drug test, with a complementary service offer, could be used as tools for creating a safer work environment in private sector companies.

At the time of this project, Eyescanner was a newly founded startup with the vision to develop a new solution for drug testing through scanning of pupil reactions and eye movements.

Our research questions were:

Introducing the Eyescanner test

The Eyescanner test is based on using a mobile phone, its camera and an algorithm to analyze movements in the eye. The test would be able to identify whether a person is under the influence of drugs or not.

Our survey indicated that this method is perceived as less intrusive to integrity than the method that most companies rely on - the urine test.

EyeScanner Test

Identifying the needs - an iterative process

We reached out to several large companies for interviews in the initial phases. This extensive data collection gave us an holistic view of the drug related problems that can occur at a workplace.

The design process is illustrated below. It included three major iterations and a selection of different methods to extract needs continuously throughout the project.

The Design Process

The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by going through the material and grouping the findings based on affinity. By doing so, clusters of needs emerged. This was later used as input to a requirements list and to act as inspiration in the ideation sessions.

KJ Analysis

The needs could be connected with some of the benefits with the new technology. The illustration below shows which needs that could be targeted by a specific benefit with the Eyescanner test.

Needs and Benefits

Five initial ideas

In the first iteration, five ideas of how the Eyescanner test could be used emerged, based on the needs we had identified so far. The ideas were evaluated together with the stakeholders, and the most promising ones were developed further in the next iteration (these ideas were 2, 3 and 4).

Complementing Test
Initial Screening
Safety Barrier
Make it visible
Fit for Duty

Use it as a safety barrier?

One of the most promising ideas was to use the Eyescanner test as a safety barrier, similar to an alco-lock. The test would determine if you are allowed to perform a safety critical task or not, for example driving a vehicle. This would likely be accepted, as the survey indicated that most people were positive towards taking a drug test before driving.

Safety barrier test (1)Safety barrier test (2)

What about prevention?

It was clear that in the context of workplaces, drug testing alone would not solve the problems of preventing drug use. Drug testing was used by many companies to deter people from using drugs and to achieve a preventive effect, but as seen in this study, drug related issues still occurred despite the use of drug testing.

Other drug prevention interventions were not prioritized and if they were, they were not involving the majority of the employees. Therefore, the final concept is not just focusing on the drug testing process, it also consists of a health promotion app aiming to include the employees in the preventive work.

EyeScanner and WhyScanner
Eye Scanner AppHealth AppDrug Testing Process

The final concept

The final concept consists of a new drug testing process, and a health promotion app. In the drug testing process, departments or whole teams are randomly selected instead of individuals. Why? Here are the main reasons:

  1. Trust and safety, co-workers in a team would be assured that people around them are not under the influence of drugs.
  2. Decrease the risk that an individual feels pointed out when selected for a test. Instead it is clear that all co-workers will perform the test, and that the company is following its zero-tolerance of drugs at the workplace.
  3. Reduce the need to perform tests based on suspicion, which can improve the relationship between manager - employee and avoid threatful situations.

By using the Eyescanner test to screen a whole department, less people would need to perform an uncomfortable urine test. It would contribute to a safe working environment, while also respecting the integrity of the employees.

The Service Blueprint

The drug testing process was presented as a service blueprint as seen below. It was evaluated with the case company and its trade union representatives, as well as with the development team at Evolve and Eyescanner. If the technology proves to be accurate enough, it is likely that the suggested solutions are implementable.

Service Blueprint

The health promotion app

The health promotion app was developed based on the identified needs, and by using nudging theory to potentially impact behavior towards choosing not to use drugs.

The app offers functions where the customer companies can involve their employees by allowing them to participate in meetings, lunch seminars, fill in surveys and more, to learn about the needs and attitudes among employees. It could also help the companies to communicate their drug policy, and offer an easier way for employees to seek help with any issues they may have.

Health Promotion App

Are you interested in knowing more, and getting the complete answers to our research questions? Contact me or read the full report here.

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